Best 103 Hidden Quotes about Precious Metal Gold

Best 103 Hidden Quotes about Precious Metal Gold are described here. These quotes inspire and enlighten you about insights and truths that resonate with your experiences and beliefs about this timeless metal. From ancient wisdom to modern reflections, these quotes capture the allure and significance of gold in our lives. Exploring themes of wealth, beauty, and resilience let us dive into this collection.
Best 103 Hidden Quotes about Precious Metal Gold
Discover the top 103 hidden quotes about precious metal gold.
- “Gold is a treasure, and he who possesses it does all he wishes to in this world.” – Christopher Columbus
- “Gold is money. Everything else is credit.” – J.P. Morgan
- “All that glitters is not gold.” – William Shakespeare
- “Gold is the mirror that reflects the value of the currencies.” – Michael Belkin
- “Gold is forever. It is beautiful, useful, and never wears out.” – M.R. Chumley
- “Gold opens all locks, no lock will hold against the power of gold.” – George Herbert
- “The desire for gold is not for gold. It is for the means of freedom and benefit.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- “Gold makes monsters of men.” – Erin Bowman
- “Gold is a living god and rules, in scorn, all earthly things but virtue.” – Percy Bysshe Shelley
Now look at other quotes that reflect how gold has symbolized wealth, power, and human desire throughout history.
- “The lust for gold is a madness of avarice.” – Ovid
- “Gold is the sweat of the sun.” – Aztec Proverb
- “Gold is tried by fire, brave men by adversity.” – Seneca
- “The golden rule is that there are no golden rules.” – George Bernard Shaw
- “Gold is worshiped in all climates, without a single temple, and by all classes, without a single hypocrite.” – Charles Caleb Colton
- “Gold, like the sun, melts wax but hardens clay.” – Unknown
- “Gold is the corpse of value.” – Neal Stephenson
- “Gold is a way of going long on fear.” – Warren Buffett
- “The desire for gold is the most universal and deeply rooted commercial instinct of the human race.” – Gerald M. Loeb
- “Where gold speaks, every tongue is silent.” – Italian Proverb
“The beauty of gold is that it loves bad news.”
– Paul Singer
- “Gold is the real ruler—he who has the gold makes the rules.” – Unknown
- “No gold-digging for me: I take diamonds! We may be off the gold standard someday.” – Mae West
- “Gold is the king of metals.” – Spanish Proverb
- “Gold opens all locks, no lock will hold against the power of gold.” – George Herbert
- “Gold is an illusion that becomes real only in the hands of those who know how to handle it.” – Unknown
- “Gold may shine, but it has no true warmth.” – Mary Renault
- “He who has the gold makes the rules.” – John Galt
- “Gold will not buy freedom, but it can buy time.” – Ukrainian Proverb
“The love of gold increases as it is acquired.”
– Juvenal
- “Pure gold does not fear the flame.” – Chinese Proverb
- “Gold has two great disadvantages: It can be stolen, and it doesn’t pay interest.” – Warren Buffett
- “All is not gold that glitters.” – Latin Proverb
- “Gold makes monsters of men.” – Erin Bowman
- “A fool may have a fortune, but gold cannot buy wisdom.” – Unknown
- “Gold is the confidence trick of the rich.” – Unknown
- “Gold is but the gift of a temporary favor.” – Claudian
- “There is no honest man— not one—that can resist the attraction of gold!” – Aristophanes
- “A gold medal is a nice thing—but if you’re not enough without it, you’ll never be enough with it.” – Irving Blitzer (in Cool Runnings)

“Gold is a coward. It always runs to where it’s most welcome.” – Unknown
- “The man who treasures gold more than his soul will be left with neither.” – Unknown
- “Gold is the sovereign of sovereigns.” – Ferdinand Lassalle
- “Gold is a child of the sun.” – Ancient Egyptian Proverb
- “Gold may be plentiful, but still we die with empty hands.” – Gaelic Proverb
- “Gold is never lost in any journey.” – Arabian Proverb
- “Gold is a silent companion to those who speak the language of wealth.” – Unknown
- “Gold does not rust on the ground, and rocks don’t get soaked in the rain.” – Turkish Proverb
- “Gold may have its uses, but it is no match for a mind of steel.” – Unknown
- “For in the end, it’s not the gold you hold, but the dreams you’ve chased.” – Unknown
“The alchemists in their search for gold discovered many other things of greater value.” – Arthur Schopenhauer
- “Gold is valuable, but knowledge is priceless.” – Unknown
- “He who has the gold, the world will follow.” – Romanian Proverb
- “Gold is good in its place, but living, brave, patriotic men are better than gold.” – Abraham Lincoln
- “If speaking is silver, then listening is gold.” – Turkish Proverb
- “The golden age never leaves us; it is here, in us.” – Unknown
- “Gold cannot be eaten, but it sure buys what can.” – Unknown
- “Gold is power, but integrity is priceless.” – Unknown
- “The alchemy of gold is but a poor substitute for the wealth of a free heart.” – Unknown
- “Gold is a wonderful clearer of the understanding.” – John Locke

- “Gold cannot be pure, and people cannot be perfect.” – Chinese Proverb
- “The price of gold is constantly fluctuating, but its allure never fades.” – Unknown
- “Gold, once possessed, makes slaves of men who once were free.” – Unknown
- “Gold is eternal, but the heart is fleeting.” – Unknown
- “To sell one’s soul for gold is to own nothing in the end.” – Unknown
- “Gold changes hands, but the heart of man remains the same.” – Unknown
- “Gold is not the measure of a life well lived.” – Unknown
- “A golden key can open any door.” – Yiddish Proverb
- “Gold gleams brightly, but it has no warmth to offer.” – Unknown
“Gold is a silent witness to the ambitions of mankind.” – Unknown
- “A golden mind stoops not to shows of dross.” – William Shakespeare
- “Gold makes one’s eyes blind to the true treasures of the world.” – Unknown
- “He who loses gold loses much; he who loses a friend loses more.” – Spanish Proverb
- “The true alchemist is not one who turns metal into gold but the one who turns dreams into reality.” – Unknown
- “Gold is the mirror that reflects the worth of nations.” – Unknown
- “Gold is sought after, but knowledge is never found.” – Egyptian Proverb
- “Gold shines bright, but it cannot replace the light within.” – Unknown
- “One ounce of good luck is worth more than a pound of gold.” – Yiddish Proverb.
- “Gold coins may fill your pockets, but happiness fills your soul.” – Unknown

“Gold can buy a crown, but only courage can wear it.” – Unknown
- “Gold has no value without men to give it meaning.” – Unknown
- “You can hoard gold, but you can’t buy time.” – Unknown
- “Gold can be melted down, but character is forged in the fire.” – Unknown
- “Not all wealth is measured in gold.” – Unknown
- “Gold is what men strive for, but peace is what they need.” – Unknown
- “Gold burns hotter than any flame, and leaves nothing but ashes in its wake.” – Unknown
- “Gold does not glitter half as much as the soul of a true friend.” – Unknown
- “Gold holds no greater treasure than a life well-lived.” – Unknown
- “Gold is but a tool in the hands of the wise, and a chain in the hands of the foolish.” – Unknown
“Gold is the currency of the earth, but integrity is the currency of the soul.” – Unknown

- “A golden cage is still a cage.” – Unknown
- “Gold makes men proud; love makes them humble.” – Unknown
- “Gold has the power to corrupt even the purest of hearts.” – Unknown
- “Gold is just metal, but kindness is priceless.” – Unknown
- “Gold is an object; happiness is a choice.” – Unknown
- “Gold reflects the light of the sun, but never the warmth of the heart.” – Unknown
- “Gold grows cold in the hands of the greedy.” – Unknown
- “Gold is a miser’s god and a wise man’s servant.” – Unknown
- “The more you chase gold, the further it runs from you.” – Unknown
“The value of gold is set by men, but the value of a man is set by his deeds.”
– Unknown
- “Gold can only fill a vault, not a heart.”
- “Gold grows in value, but wisdom grows in strength.” – Unknown
- “Gold makes the ugly beautiful.” – Molière
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