Shayatin (incorporeal)

Incorporeal: Scary Creatures and Most Effective ways to deal them


Exploring Term Incorporeal

Incorporeal concept is a fascinating subject. It is the understanding of Non-Physical Entities, which exists without tangible form. This exploration unravels the mysteries of these non-physical entities, offering insights into a largely uncharted world.

“Incorporeal” typically refers to something that is not composed of physical matter, lacking a physical presence or form. This term is often used in contexts related to spirituality, metaphysics, and the supernatural, where it describes entities or forces that are believed to exist without a material body, such as spirits, souls, zombies, ghosts, jinn, and seitan.

The concept of incorporeality is also discussed in philosophy and theoretical physics, where it pertains to the nature of existence and the properties of entities that are not bound by physical constraints.


ghost (Incorporeal)
ghost (Incorporeal)

Ghosts are believed to be the spirits or souls of deceased individuals. They continue to exist in some form after death and are able to interact with the living world. The concept of ghosts is prevalent in various cultures and religions around the world, each with its own beliefs and interpretations.

Key characteristics and beliefs about ghosts include:

  1. Manifestations: 

Ghosts are often described as appearing in a recognizable human form. Though sometimes they may appear as orbs of light, mists, or other ethereal shapes. They are believed to retain some aspects of their former selves, such as personality traits or emotions.

  1. Haunting:

 Ghosts are commonly associated with haunted locations or objects. Hauntings may involve repeated paranormal phenomena like unexplained sounds, movements, or apparitions.

  1. Unfinished Business: 

In many beliefs, ghosts are thought to remain on Earth due to unresolved issues from their lives, such as seeking closure, delivering a message, or seeking justice.

  1. Different Types: 

Ghosts can be categorized in various ways, including residual hauntings (repeated actions or events without interaction), intelligent hauntings (interacting with the living), or poltergeists (noisy or disruptive spirits).

  1. Scientific Skepticism: In contrast to supernatural beliefs, scientific explanations for ghostly phenomena often involve psychological factors (like hallucinations or pareidolia), environmental factors (such as electromagnetic fields), or the influence of cultural beliefs on perception.


jinnat (incorporeal)
jinnat (incorporeal)

Jinnat, or jinn (singular: jinni), are supernatural beings in Islamic theology and mythology. They are created from smokeless fire and are considered sentient creatures with free will, much like humans. In Islamic tradition, jinn are believed to inhabit a parallel world to that of humans, and they have the ability to interact with and influence human affairs.

Key characteristics and beliefs about jinn include:

  1. Creation: According to Islamic teachings, jinn were created by Allah from a smokeless fire before humans were created from clay. The Qur’an mentions jinn in several verses, including Surah Al-Jinn (Chapter 72), which discusses their existence and interactions with humans.
  2. Nature: Jinn are believed to have different abilities and characteristics. They can be good or evil, just like humans, and they possess varying levels of power and intelligence. Some are considered mischievous or malevolent, while others may be more kind hearted, benevolent or neutral.
  3. Invisibility: One of the key attributes of jinn is their ability to remain invisible to humans. They can choose to reveal themselves if they wish, and they may interact with humans in various forms.. Folklore and stories often depict jinn in various forms and roles, including as shape-shifters, protectors, tricksters, or as beings with specific powers.
  1. Free Will: Like humans, jinn possess free will and are accountable for their actions. They can choose to believe or disobey Allah and can perform good or evil deeds.
  2. Interaction with Humans: According to Islamic tradition, jinn can influence humans in different ways. This influence can range from subtle whispers (waswasa) to more overt interactions. Jinn are sometimes believed to possess individuals or cause harm, though protective measures and prayers are also considered effective against their influence.


Spirits (Incorporeal)

Spirits, in a general sense, refer to incorporeal entities or essences that are believed to exist separate from physical bodies. The term “spirits” can encompass a wide range of supernatural or metaphysical concepts across various cultures and belief systems. Here are some common interpretations of spirits:

  1. Spiritual Essence: 

In many religious and spiritual traditions, spirits are considered the non-physical aspect of living beings, including humans and animals. This essence is often believed to survive bodily death and continue to exist in another Quran it is said that God Almighty had elate spirit into Adam’s body while creating him. This depict that spirit is an intangible essence of life.

  1. Disembodied Souls:

 Spirits are often thought to be the souls or consciousness of deceased individuals. They may retain personal characteristics or memories from their earthly lives and can sometimes interact with the living world.

  1. Spiritual Beings: 

Spirits can also refer to non-human entities, such as angels, demons, deities, or elemental forces. These spirits may have specific roles, powers, or domains within their respective belief systems.

  1. Guardians or Guides:

 Some belief systems hold that spirits can act as protectors, guides, or messengers for the living. These spirits may offer guidance, protection, or warnings to individuals on their life paths.

  1. Nature Spirits: 

Certain cultures believe in spirits associated with natural elements, such as forests, rivers, mountains, or specific plants and animals. These spirits are often seen as manifestations of the natural world’s energy or consciousness.

  1. Ancestral Spirits:

Ancestor worship and veneration involve beliefs in the continued existence and influence of deceased family members’ spirits. Ancestors may be honored and consulted for guidance or blessings.

Beliefs about spirits vary widely depending on cultural, religious, and philosophical perspectives. Some traditions view spirits as kind and helpful, while others regard them as potentially malevolent or dangerous. 


zombies (Incorporeal)
zombies (Incorporeal)

Zombies are fictional creatures often portrayed in popular culture, particularly in horror movies, literature, and folklore. The concept of zombies has evolved over time and can vary in different stories and contexts, but some common characteristics include:

  1. Reanimated Corpses:

 In many depictions, zombies are reanimated corpses—dead bodies that have been brought back to life through supernatural or scientific means. They are typically portrayed as decaying, mindless beings lacking human consciousness or emotions.

  1. Mindless Behavior:

 Zombies are often depicted as exhibiting mindless and instinctual behavior, slow-moving and lumbering creatures driven solely by a primal urge to consume living flesh or brains. They lack self-awareness, intelligence, and personality traits.

  1. Infection or Contagion:

 In some stories, zombies are created through infectious diseases, viruses, or curses that spread from person to person. A bite or scratch from a zombie can turn a living person into one of the undead.

  1. Symbolism: 

Beyond their role in horror fiction, zombies are often used as symbolic representations of societal fears, mass hysteria, or existential dread. They can reflect themes of contagion, loss of identity, and the breakdown of civilization.

  1. Cultural Origins:

 The concept of zombies has roots in Haitian folklore, where zombies were believed to be reanimated corpses controlled by sorcerers (bokors). This cultural background influenced early zombie fiction and movies.

  1. Popularity in Media: 

Zombies have become a staple of popular culture, appearing in numerous films, TV shows, video games, and books. The portrayal of zombies has evolved over time, ranging from terrifying monsters to subjects of satire and dark humor.


Shayatin (incorporeal)
Shayatin (incorporeal)

“Shayatin” (singular: Shaytan), which is derived from Arabic and refers to malevolent or demonic beings in Islamic theology. Here’s more detail about Shayatin:

  1. Definition:

 In Islamic belief, Shayatin are a category of jinn (spiritual beings created from smokeless fire) who have chosen to disobey God (Allah) and have aligned themselves with evil. They are considered analogous to demons in other religious traditions.

  1. Characteristics:

 Shayatin are known for their deceitful and misleading nature. They tempt and misguide humans, encouraging sinful behavior and leading individuals away from the path of righteousness.

  1. Hierarchy:

 Among the jinn, Shayatin are viewed as the counterparts to angels who follow God’s commands. They are often associated with Iblis/Lucifer (Satan), the chief among the rebellious jinn, who refused to bow down to Adam as commanded by God.

  1. Influence on Humans:

 Shayatin are believed to whisper evil suggestions and temptations into the hearts of humans, seeking to incite discord, disobedience, and moral corruption. These whispers (waswasa) can lead individuals astray if they are not vigilant and steadfast in their faith.

In summary, Shayatin are regarded as a category of rebellious jinn in Islamic theology, embodying the concept of spiritual beings aligned with evil and actively working against the interests of humanity by promoting sin and disobedience. The belief in Shayatin underscores the importance of spiritual vigilance and reliance on God’s protection in resisting temptation and maintaining moral integrity.

Interacting with Non-Physical Entities:

Despite their intangible nature, there are numerous ways humans have claimed to interact with incorporeal entities. These methods range from spiritual practices like meditation and prayer to more esoteric techniques such as channeling or astral projection. Each approach offers a unique pathway to connect with the non-physical entities.

Concept of Abrahamic religions towards ‘Incorporeal

God (Allah):

In Islam, God (Allah) is strictly incorporeal, transcending all physical and temporal limitations. The Islamic doctrine emphasizes that Allah is unique and incomparable, with no physical form or likeness. This belief is central to Tawhid, the Islamic concept of monotheism.


Angels in Islam are also considered incorporeal beings, created from light. They are seen as messengers and servants of Allah, performing various tasks in the universe but are not objects of worship.

The Soul:

The soul, or ‘Ruh‘, is another incorporeal aspect in Islam. It is believed to be breathed into each individual by Allah, and its nature is a matter of theological debate and interpretation within Islamic scholarship



In Jewish theology, God is considered incorporeal, without any physical form or representation. This belief is rooted in Jewish scripture and is a key aspect of Jewish monotheism.


Angels in Judaism are viewed as incorporeal messengers of God, existing in a realm beyond the physical world. They play various roles in the Hebrew Bible, from delivering messages to assisting in divine providence.

The Soul:

The concept of the soul in Judaism, often referred to as ‘Neshama‘, is seen as a divine spark within every human. It’s an incorporeal essence that connects humans to God, playing a crucial role in Jewish understanding of life, death, and the afterlife.



In Christian doctrine, God is considered to be incorporeal, existing beyond physical constraints. He is eternal and supreme. He has created and preserved all things.

Jesus Christ:

The incarnation of Jesus Christ as both fully divine and fully human introduces a unique perspective on incorporeality in Christianity.

Angels and the Holy Spirit:

Angels are viewed as incorporeal beings serving God.

The Soul:

The Christian concept of the soul emphasizes its eternal nature, existing beyond physical death and playing a central role in salvation and the afterlife.

In summary, while Islam, Judaism, and Christianity share some similarities in their views on incorporeality, particularly in the context of God and angels, each religion has its unique interpretations and doctrines regarding these incorporeal entities and concepts.

Concept of Jinns and Satan in  Abrahamic Religions

The concepts of Jinnat (singular: Jinni/Jinn) and Satan are integral to the theological and spiritual narratives of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Each religion has its distinct understanding and depiction of these beings.



In Islam, Jinn are beings created by Allah from smokeless fire, distinct from humans and angels. They have free will, can be good or evil, and live in a parallel world to humans. Jinn can influence the human world but are generally unseen. They are mentioned in the Quran and Hadith, and Islamic tradition includes various stories and beliefs about their nature and abilities.

Satan (Shaytan):

In Islamic belief, Satan, known as Shaytan, was originally a high-ranking Jinn named Azāzīl (meaning God’s Dear) .Once God’s favorite he fell from grace due to pride and defiance against God. He refused to bow to Adam on Allah’s command. His refusal led to his fall from grace and eternal damnation. He was banished from heaven, his name was changed to Iblīs and is turned into a “cursed demon” (Shaytan Rajim). He is considered as the leader of the devils. Shaytan is a tempter who whispers evil suggestions into the hearts of humans, trying to lead them away from the path of Allah.


Demons and Evil Spirits:

While traditional Judaism doesn’t prominently feature Jinn as in Islamic theology, it does have concepts of demons and evil spirits. These entities are often seen as the sources of evil or impurity, with some texts attributing their creation to specific sins or the actions of fallen angels.


In Jewish theology, Satan is not typically seen as an independent evil force but rather as an angel or a servant of God who tests the faith and righteousness of humans. In the Hebrew Bible, Satan’s role is more as an accuser or a prosecutor in the divine court, rather than the embodiment of evil as seen in later Christian interpretations.



In Christianity, the concept of demons is more prominent, often associated with fallen angels who rebelled against God along with Lucifer (later identified with Satan). These beings are considered evil and are depicted as working against God’s purposes, often tempting or harming humans.


Christianity views Satan as a fallen angel who rebelled against God. Satan was originally a high-ranking Angel named Lucifer (meaning “light-bringer” or “morning star”) in Christianity. He is portrayed as the principal antagonist of God and the embodiment of evil, whose primary aim is to lead humanity astray. Satan plays a significant role in Christian eschatology and is often associated with temptation, sin, and the struggle between good and evil.

In summary, while the concept of Jinn is unique to Islam, the notion of malevolent supernatural entities exists in all three religions, albeit with different interpretations and roles. Similarly, the figure of Satan is present in all three, but his characteristics and significance vary significantly between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

Most Effective ways to deal with Incorporeal Figures in Abrahamic and other religions

In Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, various methods and practices are recommended for dealing with Jinn and other incorporeal entities. These approaches are often deeply rooted in the theological and cultural contexts of each religion.

In all three faiths, the ultimate power and protection are in the hands of the Almighty or the Divine. That is the ultimate source of power. We humans are nothing but His creation.

So the concept of dealing with Incorporeal Figures is just to confront them with God. We should take refuge in the God Almighty. We are not able to confront them but our Lord(Almighty) is.

It is highly advised to avoid provoking engaging or making eye contact with supernatural entities altogether while dealing with incorporeal entities.

In all three faiths, the focus is not only on individual practices but also on the strength derived from being part of a religious community. The support of this community, whether it’s through prayer, guidance, or communal rituals, plays a crucial role in dealing with incorporeal entities perceived as malevolent. The approach in each religion is deeply interwoven with its respective theological principles and the cultural context in which these beliefs are practiced.


Dealing with Jinn:

  • Seeking Refuge in Allah: Muslims are advised to seek protection from Allah from the mischief of Jinn and Satan. This is often done by reciting specific verses from the Quran, such as Ayat al-Kursi (The Throne Verse) most powerful dua for protection and the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah.
  • Reciting the Quran: Regular recitation of the Quran, especially Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas, is believed to provide protection against evil Jinn.
  • Duas and Supplications: Muslims use various supplications and prayers for protection, including those taught by the Prophet Muhammad commonly known as morning and evening Azkar.
  • Avoid making any eye contact: Avoid making any eye contact with them just focus on the great power of the divine that is going to protect you .
  • Close Entrance door at night: close entrance door at night by reciting Bismil Allah(In the Name of God).It will protect our home from the entrance of evil inside them in the night.
  • Leading a Righteous Life: Adhering to Islamic principles and leading a morally upright life is considered a way to guard against the influence of Jinn and Shaytan.

Dealing with Satan (Shaytan):

  • Constant Remembrance of Allah: Engaging in Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) is a way to keep Shaytan at bay. Specifically morning and evening Azkar (Prayers) are those prayer prophet Muhammad use to say each day to protect from evil. It is advised not to miss them. Islamic teachings emphasize seeking refuge in God (reciting prayers or verses from the Qur’an) to protect oneself from the influence of Shayatin.
  • Avoiding Prohibited Actions: Islam teaches that certain actions and behaviors can attract Jinn or demonic interference. Such as spending more time in washroom without any purpose. Not keeping washroom clean. Spraying too much perfume on one self and then passes through the lonely path or jungle at night. Muslims are advised to avoid such actions.
  • Keep your children indoors after Twilight /Maghrib time: There is a narration wherein Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that the Shayateen return back at Maghrib time /or at twilight and therefore keep your children indoors. 
  • Physical Purification: Regular physical purification rituals, such as ablutions (Wudu) before prayers, are also considered important in maintaining a barrier against evil influences.
  • Community Support: In cases of severe disturbances believed to be caused by Jinn, seeking help from knowledgeable and pious individuals in the community, such as Imams or scholars, is recommended.
  • Cover the vessel in the Night: There is another narration wherein Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that “Cover the vessel and bind the waterskin, for there is a night in the year when an epidemic spreads, not passing an uncovered vessel or an unbound waterskin except that some of that epidemic descends into it.” So it is advised to keep all the water container covered at night.


Dealing with Demons and Evil Spirits:

  • Prayer and Piety: In Judaism, prayer, and living a life of piety and adherence to the Torah are considered protective against evil forces.
  • Use of Amulets and Symbols: In some Jewish traditions, amulets or symbols, like the Hamsa or the Star of David, are believed to offer protection against evil spirits.
  • Rituals and Incantations: Certain rituals and incantations, often rooted in Kabbalistic traditions, are used for protection against malevolent entities.

Dealing with Satan:

  • Adherence to the Torah: Following the commandments and teachings of the Torah is seen as a way to resist the challenges or accusations of Satan.
  • Moral Integrity: Maintaining moral integrity and a strong faith in God is considered a defense against Satan’s role as an accuser or tempter.
  • Community and Rabbinic Guidance: In Judaism, community support and guidance from Rabbis are important, especially when dealing with spiritual disturbances. Rabbis can provide specific prayers or rituals based on Jewish law and tradition.
  • Study of Torah and Talmud: Engaging in the study of Torah and Talmud is also seen as a spiritual shield against evil forces, as it strengthens one’s connection with God and understanding of His will.
  • Observance of Sabbaths and Festivals: Observing the Sabbath and Jewish festivals is believed to bring additional spiritual protection and blessing, fortifying individuals against negative spiritual influences.


Dealing with Demons:

  • Prayer and Faith in Jesus: Christians often turn to prayer and their faith in Jesus Christ for protection against demonic forces.
  • Exorcism: In some Christian traditions, exorcism is practiced to cast out demons from individuals who are believed to be possessed.
  • Sacraments and Blessings: Participating in sacraments and receiving blessings are also seen as ways to safeguard against evil spirits.

Dealing with Satan:

  • Faith and Righteousness: Strong faith in God and living a righteous life according to Christian teachings are seen as defenses against Satan.
  • The Armor of God: Ephesians 6:10-18 describes the ‘Armor of God’, metaphorical armor that Christians can wear to protect themselves from the schemes of the Devil.
  • Bible Study and Worship: Regular study of the Bible and participation in Christian worship are considered vital in strengthening one’s faith and resistance to demonic influences.
  • Fellowship and Community Prayer: The support and collective prayer of the Christian community, such as church congregations, are seen as powerful tools in combating spiritual challenges.
  • Sacred Objects and Places: Utilizing sacred objects (such as crosses or holy water) and being in sacred places (like churches) are traditional Christian practices for spiritual protection.

Methods to deal with incorporeal in other cultures and religions:

 Here are some methods that have been historically used or are believed by various other religions around the world to be effective in managing or mitigating encounters with the incorporeal:

  1. Prayers and Invocations: Many religious traditions and spiritual practices involve prayers or invocations to seek protection from incorporeal entities. Reciting sacred texts, hymns, or specific prayers is believed to invoke divine protection and ward off malevolent spirits.
  2. Rituals and Ceremonies: Rituals performed by shamans, priests, or spiritual leaders are often used to address supernatural disturbances. These rituals may involve purification ceremonies, offerings, or sacred rites aimed at appeasing or driving away spirits.
  3. Protective Talismans and Amulets: Various cultures use protective talismans, charms, or amulets believed to ward off evil spirits or provide spiritual protection. These objects are often inscribed with symbols, prayers, or sacred texts.
  4. Herbal Remedies and Incense: Burning specific herbs, resins, or incense is thought to have purifying and protective properties. For example, sage, frankincense, and myrrh are commonly used in smudging rituals to cleanse spaces of negative energies.
  5. Salt and Protective Circles: Salt is considered a purifying substance in many cultures and is used to create protective barriers against spirits. Drawing circles of salt or scattering salt around doorways and windows is believed to prevent spirits from entering.
  6. Holy Water and Blessings: Holy water blessed by religious authorities is used in many traditions to cleanse and sanctify spaces. Sprinkling holy water or using it in rituals can be a way to repel negative energies or spirits.
  7. Psychic Protection and Visualization: Some practitioners of spiritual or psychic arts employ visualization techniques to create energetic shields or barriers against incorporeal entities. Imagining oneself surrounded by light or a protective barrier can help ward off negative influences.
  8. Seeking Assistance from Spiritual Leaders: In cases of severe spiritual disturbances, individuals may seek guidance and assistance from experienced spiritual leaders, exorcists, or mediums who specialize in addressing supernatural phenomena.
  9. Respectful Communication: In cultures where ancestor veneration or spirit communication is practiced, respectfully addressing spirits and acknowledging their presence can help establish peaceful coexistence and mitigate negative interactions.
  10. Avoidance and Prevention: Sometimes the best method of dealing with the incorporeal is to avoid provoking or engaging with supernatural entities altogether. Maintaining a harmonious environment and fostering positive energies through good deeds and spiritual practices can deter negative influences.

In all religions, the emphasis is often on spiritual strength, adherence to religious teachings, prayer, and moral integrity as key defenses against incorporeal entities that are seen as malevolent or harmful.

The Impact of Incorporeal Entities on Human Life

The influence of incorporeal entities on human life is a topic of great interest. Many believe these entities play a role in guiding or influencing our lives in unseen ways. This belief forms the basis of many spiritual and philosophical systems. Which seeks to understand the interaction between the physical and non-physical worlds.

Human perception is primarily rooted in the physical world. Thus, understanding incorporeal entities often relies on abstract thinking and metaphorical interpretations, old stories, religious teachings etc. Throughout history, various cultures have depicted these entities in art, literature, and religious texts. They Provide us with deeper glimpses of understanding of the incorporeal.

The Future of Incorporeal Studies:

As our understanding of the universe evolves, so does our curiosity about the incorporeal. Advances in psychology, neuroscience, and even quantum physics are opening new doors to exploring these non-physical entities. It is also expanding our understanding of this topic of incorporeal studies. The future of incorporeal studies promises to deepen our understanding of the universe and its place within it.


In conclusion, the study of incorporeal entities presents a journey into the unknown but real. It challenges us to expand our perceptions and consider the existence of a world beyond the physical. It is highly advised to avoid provoking engaging or making eye contact with supernatural entities altogether while dealing with incorporeal entities. As we continue to explore this realm, we may uncover truths that redefine our understanding of reality itself.


What is an incorporeal creature?

“Incorporeal” refers to something that is not composed of physical matter and therefore cannot be tangibly perceived by the senses. This term is often used in philosophical, spiritual, and metaphysical contexts to describe entities or phenomena beyond the physical realm, such as spirits, souls, or abstract concepts. In legal terms, it can also refer to intangible assets or rights, like intellectual property or trademarks.

Does incorporeal mean invisible?

Incorporeality is, in many ways, the exact opposite of invisibility. You usually can see the creature just fine, but the creature has no physical substance.

What is the difference between corporeal and incorporeal?

It is the ownership of a thing that has physical existence and is capable of being seen and touched. Ownership of land, money, machine, or building is corporeal ownership. On the other hand, incorporeal ownership is the ownership of a right. For example, ownership of intellectual property is incorporeal ownership.

What is incorporeal in 5e?

An incorporeal creature has no physical body. It can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons or creatures that strike as magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, or supernatural abilities. It has immunity to all non-magical attack forms.

What is the difference between ethereal and incorporeal?

As an incorporeal creature, you can move through solid objects, including living creatures. An ethereal creature can see and hear the Material Plane, but everything looks gray and insubstantial.

What classes can deal with incorporeal?

Death Knight
Spiritual leaders
 Mediums who specialize in addressing supernatural phenomena
Demon Hunter

Want to know more about spiritual awakening and the processes involved in it check out this blog. “Why is Spiritual Awakening So Painful?”

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